2019 Press Conference

Varadero International Half Marathon

About Us

Fernando Pineda Travel Service, with a career of 40 years as Tour Operator of the most important marathons in the world - New York, London, Berlin, Chicago, Paris, Boston, Tokyo, etc.

He has placed his company at the service of the Varadero International Half Marathon to try to place it as the "most important tourist sporting event in the Caribbean".  

In the 80's Fernando Pineda collaborated with the Organization of the Marathon and Half Marathon of Varadero, possibly, the first international sporting event that was held in Cuba at the popular level.  

After more than 30 years the Varadero International Half Marathon resurge with force, with the collaboration of INDER, CUBADEPORTES SA and the unconditional support of Alberto Juantorena, as President of the Cuban Athletics Federation and Vice President of the IAAF, among other charges Relevant. 

Thanks to the involvement of the Government Authorities, the Party of Matanzas, Cárdenas and Varadero, the written Press, Radio and Television of Cuba and Cubatur, as a tourist receptacle, it has been possible to organize an International event of this magnitude.


Fernando Pineda Travel Service

Travel agency specialized since 1979 in organizing trips to the best marathons and half marathons in the world: New York, Chicago, Boston, Varadero, London, Paris, Berlin and Tokyo. Choose the destination, We take care of your trip.

Cuba Deportes SA

Technical Assistance in Sport Events


Instituto Nacional de Deportes Educación Física y Recreación




