Please follow the next instructions to book your Bib number and fill in your registration
Entry fee: | Marathon: 100€ | Half Marathon: 75€ | 10K Race: 50€ | Fun Run Race: 25€
Make a bank transfer to the bank account number in the instructions. You have to put your name and surname in the concept.
Fill in the registration form and attach the bank receipt that shows you have paid for the race.
We will send you an email with instructions and a registration form in which we ask for some information.
Bank account number
IBAN: ES67 2100 5206 1302 0023 9859 | BIC: CAIXESBBXXX
Transfer cost
Marathon: 100€ (+5€ expense)
Half Marathon: 75€ (+5€ expense)
10K Race: 50€ (+5€ expense)
Fun Run Race: 25€ (+5€ expense)
Concept: Your name and surname
Holder: Pineda Sociedad de Representación SL
Adress: C/ JuanRámón Jiménez 8. 1ª planta. oficina 17A. CP: 18036. Madrid.